In the last few days, I’ve felt out of sorts.

Patrice Ford Lyn
2 min readJul 31, 2020

Maybe it started with the chipped filling that caused more pain to fix than I anticipated on Friday.

Maybe it was the emotional gymnastics I put myself through about whether I sanitized enough and stayed six feet away during the entirety of my social distancing picnic on Saturday.

Maybe it was that my Rev wasn’t preaching this week so when I went online for Sunday service I didn’t get the spiritual nourishment I wanted.

Maybe it’s that the supermarket is still out of mangoes and I can’t find guineps anywhere.

Maybe it’s that John Lewis died and that hit me harder than I expected.

Maybe it’s that even after peaceful protesters were jailed with federal charges, no charges have been brought against Breonna’s killers

Maybe it’s that I went on a mini vacation and never got fully back into my self-care routine

Well, it’s probably the combination of each of these things and the other things — the things said and the things unsaid. (RBG, please be safe.)

But I needed to step away from noise. I needed to curl into myself and reclaim my peace. My body and spirit have been out of sorts so I got still. Got clear. And gave myself the respite, empathy and self soothing I needed.

Tomorrow is coming. Today is ending better than it started. Cheers to the days when we remember that we are living in a pandemic. We are in the midst of a racial reckoning. We are seeing death, devastation and destruction. We are feeling weary. We are human. We are responsible for setting our own boundaries and taking care of ourselves.


Patrice Ford Lyn is an Executive Life Coach who specializes in working with successful women of color who are ready to step into new possibilities. After receiving an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a graduate degree from Harvard University, she guided the startup of three national-level organizations. And, for decades she has worked with leaders to build their organizations while supporting their own personal growth.

You can reach her at

Originally published at



Patrice Ford Lyn

Whether it’s working with a team or an individual, I facilitate strategic conversations that lead clients to important insights and meaningful action.