Could this be the summer we’ve needed? A return to simple pleasures

Patrice Ford Lyn
2 min readJul 31, 2020

I was talking with friends yesterday about what it was like growing up in the 80s with less devices — no cell phones, tablets or computers.

We had one TV in the house and the children were not in charge of channel selection🤣🤣🤣. So news it was — unless you woke up early on Saturdays for cartoons🙋🏾‍♀️

There is a lot to be said about playing… being…exploring…,, making mud pies, climbing trees, reading the encyclopedia 🤓, watching ants and insects go about their way, hide and seek, tag -my favorite , (freeze tag also great but a bit more nerve wracking), hopscotch, jumping double dutch, riding bikes,….

15 years ago I went to Helsinki Finland to present a paper to the United Nations on the importance of leisure time on youth development — having unstructured time and how that increases creativity, imagination….

In 2020 as many children have radically different summers than the structured team and group events of summers past, I hope they too can find pleasure in the simple moments of being with their thoughts, being with nature….and enjoy a summer of curiosity and play so I’m not canceling #2020. In fact it could be the most pivot of our lifetimes.

What was your favorite summertime activity growing up?

How do you incorporate play in your life?

Share and inspire others to enjoy this time. We are in a pandemic. We are having a real reckoning with race relations. Finding time for joy is an act of self care and self love. 🥰


Patrice Ford Lyn is an Executive Life Coach who specializes in working with successful women of color who are ready to step into new possibilities. After receiving an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a graduate degree from Harvard University, she guided the startup of three national-level organizations. And, for decades she has worked with leaders to build their organizations while supporting their own personal growth.

You can reach her at



Patrice Ford Lyn

Whether it’s working with a team or an individual, I facilitate strategic conversations that lead clients to important insights and meaningful action.